Here’s a video you won’t expect, it’s an 8 year old guitar god! You think I’m joking, and I have a lot of child guitar prodigy video to feature this week and next, but this is probably the “best of the best” I’ve seen at that age. Anton Oparin is from Russia, in a guitar competition in 2004 ” Guitar Masters – Greatest Shredders Compilation”. That means he’s 13 years old now. Listen to the solo he does, the runs are sooooo smooth, and sweep picking from hell – in and out of modes. What his fingers, I never – ever had that kind of speed, dexterity, and accurate picking (at any age). I’ve seen lots of Paul Gilbert video, and I actually think (technically) this kid is better…I sure as hell hope he won that competition.
9 Year Old Guitar God Caught on Video
by jtpratt | Mar 17, 2008 | Guitar child prodigy, Guitar videos | 0 comments