Apr 14, 2018 | Epiphone, Guitar Reviews
The image shown is that of the Joe Bonamassa Epiphone Flying V (1958). Everyone who’s read my blog knows of my distaste for Epiphone guitars. Back in the 90’s and 2000’s the quality was so bad that you had to set them up one you bought one and...
Mar 14, 2018 | Guitar videos, Weird guitars
Holy crap – this guy is playing the hugest flying V guitar I’ve ever seen! I don’t think he’s really gonna be shredding on this thing. You’d think that it would be hard enough to make chords! Watch this guy try to play lead – it...
Feb 24, 2011 | BC Rich, Guitar Reviews, Kerry King
Kerry King is the god of the speed metal guitar, and he’s been using BC Rich guitars for year to melt the faces off all his fans! That’s probably why BC Rich has been known for years a basically a “metal” guitar, and why Kerry continues to make...