If you are a working guitarist you have a need for a harmonizer pedal – you just don’t know it yet. Usually you have one singer in the band and one backup person if you’re lucky. I know a lot of guitarists that from time to time they do a “one man show” acoustic style with just themselves and a mic. There is brand new technology out now that will blow your mind, and as a working guitarist – think that it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.
“The Digitech Vocalist Live 2” is a pedal – a “stomp box” that is a vocal harmonizer for guitarists. It was made for guitar players because you plug both your guitar and your microphone into it, take at look at this pic for the inputs…
What happens is – when you play the pedal recognizes and interprets both your voice and the chords you’re playing. It knows if you’re singing a “C” over a “G” chord progression and you can program it to sign your hamony vocal either a third or fifth above your voice. You sing and you play, and just like any other effects pedal – when you want harmony – just stomp on it!
The Vocalist Live 2 pedal also has a built-in guitar tuner, compressor, reverb, and EQ controls. So, once you buy this pedal you’ll be out about $300, but look at it this way – you now have a backup singer that works for free! It’s got the highest user reviews on all the gear sites, I think this is one new piece of technology that everyone is liking a lot!
Here’s the extended description and a few purchase options –
[EASYBAY]digitech vocalist 2 live[/EASYBAY]