Oct 6, 2018 | Guitar Pedals, Pedalboard
Caline makes a guitar pedal called the CP-14 English Man. There is an earlier version that was a lime green, and there is a newer version that looks like the British flag. This is a clone of the drive channel of the Carl Martin dual channel PlexiTone guitar pedal. The...
Sep 13, 2018 | FAQ, Guitar Pedals, Pedalboard
I had recently noticed an explosion of guitar pedal toppers on pedal boards recently. With the advent of social media and Facebook groups, many of us (53,000 as of last) subscribe to “Pedalboards of Doom. I suspect at first that group started out as a death...
Mar 23, 2018 | FAQ, Guitar Pedals, Pedalboard
Here is the much used, much talked about 1 Spot for pedalboard power. Many use the Godlyke PA-9B (which is basically the same). This is a simple wall plug (wall wart as they call it) that supposedly can power up to 20 pedals with its 1700ma of power. It covers nearly...