Apr 1, 2008 | Guitar accessories, Guitar Amps, Guitar player gift ideas
There are tons of places online to find guitar gear deals and sales, and we have searched high and low for the best way to integrate a store into the Guitar Review site, so you can search for guitars and guitar gear right here without having to click banners or go...
Nov 13, 2007 | Guitar accessories, Guitar Amps, Guitar Reviews
The new Line 6 POD X3 Live has come out in the last few weeks, and I have to say I’m pretty excited about it. I’ve been looking at “guitar processors” for quite some time, but none of the all-in-one guitar boards really caught my fancy. I have...
Oct 23, 2007 | Guitar Amps, Guitar Reviews
Before I plugged into this amp for the first time – I’d never heard of the “B-52” brand. I almost didn’t try it out, figuring it was another Randall or Crate wannabe budget brand. But I overheard this other guy going on and on and on...