Apr 19, 2009 | Guitar Amps
The Kustom Sienna 16 is a 16 watt combo amplifier with an 8″ speaker that is specifically designed to reproduce and enhance the natural sound of your guitar or other acoustic instrument. So this is an amp designed for acoustic instruments. The approach is...
Mar 28, 2009 | Guitar Amps
The acoustics of this powerhouse are unique among high-end cabs. Genuine solid wood construction, unique design, and a large resonating chamber make it the perfect match for the Krank Revolution 100W amp with chest-pounding bass. Proprietary Krank drivers complement...
Mar 22, 2009 | Guitar Amps
The Spider Valve 412VS speaker cab from Line 6 features Premium Celestion
Mar 3, 2009 | Guitar Amps
The best way to describe the Krank Chadwick head is to say that it’s “a really good rock amp for the money”. Plain and simple. Many people have never heard of Krank, or automatically think of Dimebag Darrel anytime the name Krank amps comes up. I...
Feb 24, 2009 | Guitar Amps
The Line 6 Flextone III Plus 1×12 Stereo Combo Amp is designed for guitarists seeking the warmth of tube tone coupled with modeling flexibility. The 112 Plus Combo delivers 75W mono or 150W stereo (with extention cab) to a single 12″ custom Celestion...
Jan 2, 2009 | Guitar Amps
The Peavey 6505 4×12 300W Guitar Cabinet has 4 – 12″ Sheffield 1200 speakers loaded in a biplanar-aligned, infinite baffle, 300W closed-back cab. A perfect match for a 6505 or 6505 Plus head.This Peavey speaker is constructed from high-density...
Dec 24, 2008 | Guitar Amps
The Genz-Benz Black Pearl 1X12 Combo Amp is a classic, all-tube, EL 84, Class A design combined with the upgrades, enhancements and tone you would expect from Genz-Benz. This amplifier is built for those that know tone and feel are inseparable.Single 12″ cabinet...
Dec 23, 2008 | Guitar Amps
Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett helped design the Randall RS412KHX 4 x 12 signature guitar speaker cabinet. This Randall cabinet includes 2 different Celestion speaker types for wider frequency response that projects bigger, broader full-range tone. 2 Celestion...
Nov 25, 2008 | Guitar Amps
With double the processing power, models and effects of competitive modeling amplifiers, the VYPYR dramatically redefines the power and scope of modern guitar amplification. VYPYR amplifiers are based on powerful 32-bit, floating-point SHARC processors that enable...
May 14, 2008 | Guitar Amps, Guitar player gift ideas, Practice guitar, Roland
This “Roland Micro Cube Amp Review” tells why this amp packs so much punch for so little a price – and how for the cost of a good pedal you can have an entire practice amp! Every guitar player needs a good practice amp. Something small and portable...