Feb 27, 2018 | DIY Guitar, Guitar accessories, Guitar Pedals
About the BK Butler Real Tube Overdrive guitar pedal The “Real Tube Overdrive” is a BK Butler guitar pedal manufactured by “Tube Works” back in the 70’s and 80’s. The image above shows my recently purchased Real Tube pedal case...
Feb 17, 2011 | DIY Guitar, Guitar accessories, Guitar videos
Ever wanted to make your own guitar picks? Looks like it’s pretty easy to do with a little time, some imagination, and some household throwaway items. I was surprised how inventive people can be. The Makezine had an article on making your own credit card guitar...
Apr 22, 2009 | DIY Guitar, Guitar Amps
I’m going to show you how to fix PA or guitar / bass amp scratch volume pots in just a few minutes or less. This technique works on bad volume pots or faders in guitar amps, bass amps, PA heads, mixers, consoles, and just about everything else with an analog...
Aug 20, 2008 | DIY Guitar, Guitar accessories, Guitar player gift ideas
The ZZ Top Guitar Lesson post I made on this blog is one of the most visited pages to date. I can understand why, ZZ top has tons of songs that guitarists of all ages want to learn. It’s kind of like “Iron Man”, every guitar player has to learn...