Let’s get right to it. The Boss Super Chorus is $109 and the Caline Super Chorus is $22. About the only additional thing the Boss version has are EQ and EQ level controls (and a stereo jack). If you want a great chorus pedal and don’t want to spend much (but still have a great effect), you really can’t go wrong on the bang for your buck here.

However the Caline CP-13 isn’t a clone of the Boss Super Chorus, it’s a clone of the Little Angel Chorus pedal created by Rick Holt on Frequency Central.

The thing I like about a Chorus pedal is that you can use it sparingly, to give your sound a little ethereal space. It’s a nice addition to a little delay, and gives some depth to your tone. On the other side, when chorus is cranked up it can give you everything from lush to shrill tones, causing a fantastic change in dynamic. This is a true bypass pedal (as all Caline pedals are).

Here’s a video demo of the Caline CP-13 in action:

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