If you’re looking for a “used guitar bargain” you can’t go wrong with the Paul Reed Smith or “PRS Santana”.
Every guitar you own can’t cost more than $1,000. We all have to start somewhere, and you can’t beat an affordable backup axe. About a year ago I needed another backup guitar and saw an ad on Craig’s List or a PRS Santana Limited model. I wasn’t that interested in it at the time, but the guy that had it for sale was only a few blocks from my work and he had some pedals I wanted to check out.
When I went over to his house he had his Line 6 pod hooked up to a small crate amp and the PRS Santana plugged in. It was a double humbucker in both the bridge and neck positions with cool “slash” like inlays. The strings wrapped around the tailpiece (a trick used for years by many people on regular tune-o-matic bridges). I’m glad that I got to test it on his POD because I tried various amp models from Fender to Marshall and back. I used “The Rover” preset (Zeppelin) and the one like AC-DC, and another like SRV. If you’re going to buy a guitar you probably already have a good idea of what you want it to sound like, but I strongly suggest you try it dirty and clean through a tube and solid state amp (or amp model). You’ll know right away if it’s got the “crunch” or clean tone you’re looking for.
I bought that PRS Santana electric guitar for the paltry sum of $150, which was a used bargain. It came with a gig bag. I wouldn’t say that it’s the greatest guitar I own, but I wouldn’t say it’s the worst either. It’s a good mid-range guitar that you can get for a very reasonable price used. Check out some of these eBay auctions live right now, you might find a great deal under $200-300, or a higher end version with more features for a bit more.
[EASYBAY]PRS santana -truss -miniature -ad -private -keychain[/EASYBAY]